Saturday morning... we get up and grab the old fishing poles from the shed. After a few hours, I've got 3 of them cast-worthy. Not sure about 2 others, but we take them along with us any way.
I take my two youngest boys and my daughter out for lunch and then off to Park Center pond to see if we can't have a little fun.

It's been a while since we've been fishing - more than a year. After hitting about 20 snags and 1 really close call with the people next to us, the kids are getting really good at casting.

And casting they did... many, many throws out into the pond. The weather overcast and a thunderstorm was threatening in the distance - the fish did not want to play.
Pretty soon we were the ones swimming - not our worms. A beautiful rainstorm hit with huge drops of rains that soaked everything. It was warm out so we actually enjoyed the weather. We called it a day without fish and went home.
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