Showed them Boise...

The kids played in the pool at their hotel...

After my mom and dad headed for home, I returned to my latest project - building an area for our cats on the side of the house... a cat run. I spent most of the day Friday and Saturday working on the foundation. I also spent much time on the garden.
Sunday came around and we decided to go on another family adventure. We threw everyone into the car and headed out. There was no major destination in mind when we left - I just figured we would go somewhere around the Owyhee valley region. We have had good luck rock hunting in that area and there was still much to explore.
We decided to head to Owyhee lake. On the way we stopped off by the river and let the dogs swim. We found lots of agate encased in volcanic rock - really nice looking stuff. Tammy picked a few for her garden and the kids found lots of jasper and agate for their collections.

God was with us.

We stopped many times along the way to take pictures.

We topped the day off with a frosty mug o' root beer!

The next day, memorial day, was spent working on the cat enclosure.

Very nice indeed:) Loved the pics Randy! Sispooh