Saturday, May 30, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Days

Showed them Boise...

The kids played in the pool at their hotel...

After my mom and dad headed for home, I returned to my latest project - building an area for our cats on the side of the house... a cat run. I spent most of the day Friday and Saturday working on the foundation. I also spent much time on the garden.
Sunday came around and we decided to go on another family adventure. We threw everyone into the car and headed out. There was no major destination in mind when we left - I just figured we would go somewhere around the Owyhee valley region. We have had good luck rock hunting in that area and there was still much to explore.
We decided to head to Owyhee lake. On the way we stopped off by the river and let the dogs swim. We found lots of agate encased in volcanic rock - really nice looking stuff. Tammy picked a few for her garden and the kids found lots of jasper and agate for their collections.

God was with us.

We stopped many times along the way to take pictures.

We topped the day off with a frosty mug o' root beer!

Sunday, May 3, 2009
Sweet Spring Rain
Since the birds started chirping I've been itching to get the family outside. This Sunday morning comes with the sweet smell of rain and opportunity.
Instead off heading off to Sunday service, my wife and I cram the kids and dogs into the old minivan and head off for adventure. Our informal destination is Squaw Butte to find placer opals, but we are more interested in getting out of the house and into some fresh air.
On the way to Emmett one of the dogs loses his lunch in back of the van. Earlier, my wife had gently reminded me that we might want to consider taking Jo Jo back to the house after remembering an epispode of illness last year. I was too anxious to continue the journey so I offered to clean up the mess if there was one. There was one, a big one - but it cleans up well. The Emmett Stinker Station has very powerful vacuum cleaner.
After a healthy lunch of Subway subs and Sonic coneys we headed North for opalescent treasure.
Shortly after leaving Emmett the clouds gave us rain. Wonderful rain that would come down thick for a few minutes and then suddenly stop.

Then, we run across our first chest of treasure - a dead porcupine. I see the dead critter and yell the siting back to the kids. My oldest son Jesse urgently and promptly tells me to stop the car. I do and the next thing I know kids are hopping out of the van. The wife and I giggle first and then yell at the kids, "Don't touch the body, touch only the quills". To add to the moment, Jo Jo decides to offer up what he has left to give into the back of the van - I'm back on the job.

The rain starts coming down really hard. We yell at the kids to come back to the van. My daughter informs me that the guts were hanging out. My youngest boy has a queazy yet fascinated look on his face and informs me that the dead porcupine's teeth are orange. The nice thing about hard rain -- it removes stench from the air. We obtain treasure # 1: A porcupine quill.
A little later we arrive at the turnout for lookout road; the last road up to Squaw Butte. Due to the rain, lookout road is muddy - we will definitely get stuck in the minivan. I decide to turn around and go to plan B - just wing it.
After driving around on the better gravel roads Jesse tells me to stop again. This time he sees some sage hen close to the road. Since we're stopped I let the dogs and kids out. The kids and dogs run and play to their hearts content. This happens a few more times on our journey in the hills. We see whistle pig, a hawk, a lightning storm attack a distant mountain, a dead coyote and calf, even a small nest of eggs that we leave untouched.

There are more treasures before I decide to head back down to Emmett: a few rocks, some shotgun and rifle shells, a long stick, even a copper slug.
I Sunday drive around the back country of Emmett for a while and then head East up Black Canyon road to see the dam.
The kids play.
At the dam, Jesse finds a chunk of basalt that has pretty white lines running throughout. I look closer at the white lines. They look a lot like opal.
We head home - a great day.